LFOD Radio 5.4.21

LFOD Radio 5.4.21 #LFODMix
LFOD Radio 5.4.21 #LFODMix
5.4.21 #LFODMix

Submissions! Shoutout to all the artists who sent records for this week’s mix and shoutout to all of ya’ll for spreading the word! We posted that we were looking for new music and the tags started flowing in… Really love that this is the energy circulating right now.

Enjoyed putting this mix together and we had plenty of songs left over, so we’ll be rocking straight submissions again next week. Artists – if you’re feeling left out, send us your records right now.

We’ll be live again next Tuesday at 10pm, both streaming right here and on 91.5FM in Boston.

Did you see our van? The build starts tomorrow, so stay tuned. Plenty of updates on the way.

[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/LFODRadio/2154-lfod-radio/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]

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