LFOD Radio Ep. 38 (Featuring Mike Wing)

Mike Wing joins us to discuss growing up a hip-hop fan in NH, his top three underrated MCs, and more. He also lets some details slip about his new album, and closes things out with a live look at one of his new songs.

Mike also hit us with a little freestyle while he was in-studio. 

Listen below or on your favorite podcast app, whether that’s Apple, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, etc… We also broadcast every Monday at 9am on 91.5FM in Boston.

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LFOD Radio Ep. 35 (Featuring Rayel)


The young Queen, Rayel, joined us to discuss her latest album, The King’s Kid, as well as the history & motivation behind her music. She unpacks a lot of rhymes in this one, and we discuss some heady topics. There’s plenty of laughs as well. Highly recommended listening.

Listen below or on your favorite podcast app, whether that’s Apple, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, etc… We also broadcast every Monday at 9am on 91.5FM in Boston.

New episodes every Tuesday. Subscribe to get them right away.

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